Meet Our Founder



“My love of learning and teaching began as early as five years old with me teaching my baby dolls on my grandma’s couch. After graduating high school in 1986, I enrolled in college. I decided to not pursue a degree in education, which I now know I was called to do, but instead decided to major in business. Then, life happened. I dropped out of college, married and told myself, ‘I can still work, be a wife and go back to school.’ So, I began taking a class or two and quit. I’d begin again and quit. This became an endless cycle which left me feeling like a failure because I hadn’t finished what I started.

Twenty-seven years later, after listening to a message my Apostle was preaching—Don’t Give Up on Your Dream—I BEGAN AGAIN; but this time, I finished and received my bachelor’s degree. Four years later, I went on to complete my master’s degree and the Lord said, ‘Now, you need to encourage and empower those like you to finish what they’ve started.’

So, in 2019, I began helping a small group of women obtain their GED and after seeing the excitement and empowerment they were experiencing, I knew the Lord was bringing me full circle to the calling He had designed for me. It was there that Begin Again Literacy Ministry was birthed. I understand what it’s like to think you’ll never finish what you started but God so lovingly reminds us in His Word, ‘He who has begun a good work in you shall complete it until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ " Philippians 1:6


our board of directors

Tracy Crenshaw-Executive Director

Delmonika Vick- Board Member


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